By statistics, 80% of men older than 40 years are faced with this disease, as prostatitis. The phenomenon is typical and curable. It is important not to let the disease without care, because in the background of prostatitis is often detected and other diseases. In the article we are going to talk about the disease of the prostate, that is, what are the symptoms of the inflammation of the prostate gland in men, and what forms of treatment. You'll also find photos of the prostatitis (as seen on men a lot of the prostate gland).

Prostatitis in men
Many are interested in: "What is the prostate?" It is the inflammation of the prostate gland in men. The structure of the sexual system of men involves the passage of the urethra through the prostate gland, that is to say, around a tube that carries urine out, is the prostate. Therefore, when there is an enlargement of the prostate gland, problems with the deduction of the urine, as well as iron squeezes the urine canal. Therefore, the greater the enlargement of the prostate gland, the more it blocks the urine, which zastaivayas in the body, it starts with only loosen. And it is not the only problem that can arise in the background of the enlargement of the prostate.
Causes of the occurrence of
Not necessarily the disease can manifest itself to each of the men over the age of 40 years. The development of prostatitis, preceded by a series of reasons.
Are the following:
- The main and common cause of development of prostatitis is the process of the violation of blood circulation. To turn causes of the violation of the circulation acts as a sedentary lifestyle and the emergence of excess weight.
- In the prostate the inflammatory process may occur due to an infection in the body. It can fall after diseases: gonorrhea, angina, tuberculosis, or the flu. Is often prostatitis, and hemorrhoids go "hand in hand".
- The injury of the pelvis, which leads to a deterioration of the circulation of the blood. Often, these small lesions that appear and the drivers. Their work is related to constant vibrations, joltings and loads in the crotch.
- Prostatitis vulnerable and those without a regular sex life, an error occurs hormonal, and chronic diseases of the nervous system.
- The immune system can also influence the onset of prostatitis. In the prostate inflammatory processes may appear due to the persistence of stress factors, bad habits, bad diet. All of this leads to the fact that the immunity becomes weak, and the body can not fight with all his strength with the infection, which can enter the body. All of these elements and which lead to the appearance of the inflammation of the prostate.
- Not be ruled out as the cause of the prostatitis of the fin. Especially if the disease goes into a chronic form, some problems may occur with urination is due to the onset of prostatitis.

There are several types of prostatitis.
Depending on what type of disease is diagnosed in the patient, depends entirely on treatment:
What is the name speaks for itself, which means that the body attacks the infection, which arose out of malware the bacteria. This form tends to the rapid development and causes severe discomfort in the patient with fever and general malaise. In addition, the patient begins to experience serious impotence problems. The chronic prostatitis. This form of the disease is very dangerous for men, since the disease develops gradually, and is hidden. Caused by the disease can have several causes, including the penetration in the prostate and bacteria. Often it is not completely curable acute prostatitis may develop and the chronic form. If to speak about the symptoms, are the following: difficulty in urination, discomfort in the form of a small pain in the crotch, apathy, nervousness, and weakness throughout the body, decreases libido.
The symptoms of the
One of the first signs of prostatitis is the increase in the frequency of urination. If the disease develops in severe form, when the prostatitis increases the temperature of the body. Also the patient can observe the selection of the prostatitis, for example, when the patient manifests itself purulent prostatitis, when the urination and defecation, you can come out and pus. In the case of illness of prostatitis man riddled with different pain: in testicles and in the groin, in the lower part of the back and the back. In addition, this disease affects the emotional state of the men. He constantly in a sad mood, angry, realizes the lack of sexual desire. It is precisely the lack of power that the man perceives as a problem, that are not related to the prostate. Even if the symptoms of prostatitis is manifested explicitly, no, man, compulsorily, you must pay attention to their health. The disease itself does not pass away, and in the worst case, will lead to the appearance of other diseases.

The diagnosis
What to do when prostatitis? The first step is to perform a diagnosis of prostatitis. To determine the existence of a disease such as prostatitis, the specialists can be assigned to the different studies for the collection of general information. Also, when the patient comes with the complaints which have been characterized precisely when the prostate, the doctor should examine the patient rectal. Also, the patient should take a sample from the urethra. To do this, it uses a single brushstroke, which is placed in the penis. The result of the stroke can respond to the question about the existence of the disease in the patient. In addition, that, in addition, an analysis should be made of urine, experts recommend to send the research and semen. This will help to fully define the state of the sexual function of the patient, which prostatitis diagnosed. Can be taken in the army with the prostatitis? Answer to this question is clearly no. It all depends on the form of the disease and forms of treatment.
The treatment of the
The disease of the prostate — inflammation of the prostate, which is known in medicine since a long time ago. But it is that it is quite difficult. And if shocks of the form can be corrected quickly, the chronic form of prostatitis can not resist the correction. Also, many of the scientists in this area have their points of view about the forms of treatment of prostatitis.
But there is something positive paragraphs, which no doubt no one:
- How effective is the therapy totally depends on how fast they will start treatment after the diagnosis.
- The treatment must be comprehensive and take into account all the characteristics of the flow of the prostatitis.
- The only medication for the treatment of not. If the same patient, not to the fact that the other will also help.
If you are diagnosed with prostatitis, the tactic of treatment of this disease is the following:
- The patient must comply with bed rest.
- Receive antibiotics.
- Taking medications that are able to improve the circulation of the blood.
- The reception of the pain killers, which at the same time able to solve the problem of inflammation.

In the case of the emptying of the bladder may not by itself or it can result in an abscess of the prostate, surgery is necessary. Antibiotics is also required for the treatment. If the disease is severe, and that you have the symptoms of the poisoning, take the pill worth immediately, as delay may be dangerous.
Preventive actions
In terms of prevention of prostatitis in the first place, specialists recommend teach yourself in your free time, don't be on the couch, and move. Simply paris with a walk or going to the store. Also, to the men that we should give up bad habits, especially smoking, as well as the prostate, which is already suffering hypoxia, at the time of non-smokers and do not receive necessary the rate of supply of blood. You should minimize the number of stress. It is important to teach to wipe all the negative thoughts out of your head, and to receive pleasure, for example, of a time with family or friends. It is not worth to start your health and thinking — not in my case. Even permanent in the lungs of hypothermia, which may not give rise to the appearance of acute respiratory infections, trigger the mechanism of development of inflammation of the prostate. If the vehicle is equipped with a seat, then it is obligatory to turn it on.
The structure and functions of the prostate
The gland of the male prostate unpaired authority in the standard has a small amount. Picture of prostate gland in men showed its location: it is located in the central part of the pelvis in anastomosis the ejaculatory duct of the ditches and of the urethra. It looks like the reverse of the chestnut. Anatomy of a building that is clearly seen in the photos:
- the tip and the base.
- front, rear and nizhnevolga of the surface;
- left and right side of the part, the isthmus, the slot, which divides the gland into two halves.
Only 25% of the stretch the muscle fibers, and the rest – in the glandular fabric. It is conventionally divided into several areas:

- central – 25%;
- the – 70%;
- transit or transition – 5%.
Depending on the age of the person, size of the prostate can vary. Thus, the newborn can be no bigger the pea, the middle-aged man – 2x3x4 cm and a weight of around 20 year of elderly people of age, it was observed the involution – the body decreases in size. Despite the compact size and nondescript appearance, the prostate gland (shown in the photo) is performed on the body of the important function that still have not been studied.
- Produces prostate is a secret that dilute the semen and provide vitality of the sperm.
- Stimulates the production of prostaglandins that are involved in the complex mechanism of erection and in the production of testosterone.
- Contributes to the formation of an orgasm, and provides a rapid evacuation of semen in the urethra.
- In reflex level prevents the return of urine in the semen, or involuntary exit of the urethra.
The defeat of glandular of the authority leads to a complication of the current of many of the processes and worsens the physiological and the emotional state of the men.
Prostatitis as the common men of the disease
Prostatitis belongs to the category of complex pathologies. Today in day is considered the most common and, significantly, "giving a truly rejuvenated", as in the risk group are men aged from 25 to 55 years, who are at the peak of the sexual activity. Specialists distinguish several categories of the disease. The nature of defeat depends on the sexual habitus of the patient:
- Sexually active men, in the form of acute inflammation.
- In people middle-aged and elderly – in the form of chronic prostatitis, prostatic hypertrophy (hyperplasia) or cancer (malignant tumors such as cancer).
- The people who were subjected to radiation (or other type) of castration, – the atrophy of the full authority.
The definition of

In clinical medicine, there is a clear definition of the pathology is. It is an inflammatory disease of the prostate of the nature, the causes may be fungal, and infectious diseases of the defeat, stagnant phenomena, processes of age, as well as the violations related to the depletion of the male body. Affected the prostate gland swells and increases in size, pushing the urinary canal of the urethra. When it occurs the main symptom of the disease – difficulty to urinate. Prostatitis in men in the photo well show produced in the mammary gland of the changes.
According to statistics, the disease prevalence by categories is the following image:
- acute – 5%;
- chronic bacterial – 10%;
- chronic abacterial – 80%;
- chronic symptoms (pelvic pain syndrome) – 5%.
The symptoms of inflammation of the prostate
Total of the symptoms in the photo clear, what is prostatitis in men. Clinical manifestations in the acute and chronic form are significantly different. However, in both situations, the lack of treatment aggravate the problem, leading to the development of various complications. To identify the first signs of the disease, should be more with them to know.
The first signs of the disease
Despite the multiplicity of symptoms of prostatitis in men is characterized by the signs mentioned in the picture, and whose presence should alert.

- The feelings of discomfort in the urethra: burning, irritability, and pain.
- The increase of the temperature of the body.
- Pain in the lower part of the abdomen.
- The weakening of the power.
- Increases the frequency of urination.
The manifestations of acute toxicity and a chronic form of the
Under the character commonly accepted to involve reactions that indicate that the development of inflammation in the body. The specialists distinguish the following signs primary a result of the injury process in the active phase of its current.
- Hyperthermia, with the degree of increase of temperature is directly dependent on the activation of the inflammation. This symptom is characteristic as in the bacterial and viral prostatitis.
- The headache and general weakness.
- The chills. Febrile status is also significant to the infectious form.
- Pains in the joints and muscles.
- Nausea, in special cases ends up vomiting.
- Strong pain in the groin, the perineum, the increased bowel movements.
- Difficulty and pain when urinating, that does not bring relief, and is accompanied by feeling of incomplete evacuation.
Late treatment or its absence leads to hronizatsii of the process. At this stage, the symptoms spread, or expressed as:
- violation of urination;
- periodically emerge from the painful sensations;
- the lack of sexual desire;
- suppressed the state of prolonged depression;
- fatigue, weakness, headaches, lack of appetite.

In spite of deleted symptoms of chronic prostatitis requires treatment, in the picture you can see how we can see the prostate when you are running the stage of the disease. A pathological process that, with time, leads to irreversible consequences, the more damage the breast tissue and alter their function.
Now that you know all about the disease of the prostate gland in men. Each one should be a great deal of attention to their health, as the android prostatitis is a disease that should be treated with the advice of a doctor. When the form is run, it can lead to serious consequences.