The same prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate (prostate). The iron is located below the bladder, optiva of the urethra. And at the slightest inflammation of the prostate gland, starts to increase, therefore, peredelyvala urinary channels. As a result of which problems arise, go to the bathroom and severe pain. Very often prostatitis is manifested to men after 30 and 35 years. Approximately 80% of older men, to a certain extent, suffer from the disease. In the same way, now 30% of the young boy of 20 to 30 susceptible to this disease. This article describes in detail: how to correctly identify the first symptoms of prostatitis, as accurately diagnose the disease and what to do in the first place, after the confirmation of the diagnosis.

The signs of development of prostatitis
As manifested prostatitis? Usually doctors distinguish 6 signs, the omen prostatitis. If the man has noticed at least 2 feature in this list, you must consult your doctor:
- Little tilted down in the stream of urine with a small scope;
- Difficulty moments when you urinate;
- Painful phenomena in the process of urinating;
- The duration of the urination, splash of urine, rattling of the jet;
- The partial emptying of the bladder;
- Frequent urination, especially in the dark.
The doctor will always be able to identify the first symptoms of prostatitis in men, and in the treatment after the diagnosis was made in a timely manner, with a positive result.
The causes of the pathology it is
Experts speak of the following causes of the disease education:
- The weakening of the immunity, they reduce the barriers that prevent the emergence of many viral infections;
- Infectious processes – virus elements, the germs, the bacteria through the blood or lymph pathways fall into the prostate. Symptom of this phenomenon: the temperature of the prostatitis on the rise;
- The sedentary life – causing errors in the blood supply, hypoxia;
- Errors in the circulation of the blood due to the stagnation of the moments in the genital area – occurs due to a chance of the sex life, of a long abstinence from sexual intercourse non-regular sex sex.
The inflammatory phenomena in the prostate may start from the penetration of microbes, but for the development of the infection needs of the ediacarense pathogenic, which may be established due to the following factors: the presence of dangerous dependency, constipation, hormonal disorders, injuries, hypothermia, and td.
The main causes of prostatitis in men are:
- Hormonal disorders — there is the version that the greater the production of testosterone.
- Adversely affects the tissue of the prostate, causing its expansion and the inflammation. No less dangerous, and the hormone deficiency, which weakens urogenital function.
- The violation of status immune — when the body is functioning "on the edge", it will reduce the protection functions. He is not able to withstand the bacteria and viruses that penetrate it from the outside or does not comply with the recurrence of the chronic processes.
- Passive sexual life it is the man that has irregular in intimate relationships, suffers from the stagnation of the phenomena that give rise to inflammations.
- Keep tactic of sexual contact — it is no secret that many couples as a method of birth control, they practice the interruption of the sexual act. Are not, therefore, make it difficult to reflux of the semen. In addition, as a result of the ppa alters the mechanism of the outputs and of the blood, who actively runs the organs of the pelvis and contributes to the maintenance of full erection.
- The sedentary life style of men, leads to stagnant phenomenons.
- Urethral reflux — occurs in the background of the defeat of the urethra. In case of violation of a return mechanism of reflux of the urine, part of it falls on the seed of the path and produces the bacterial infection of the prostate.
- The violation of the diet — if the diet there is something wrong with the food, with a predominance of animal fats and the lack of protein and fiber, this influences the hormonal status and the full functioning of the intestine.
- Excessive physical exercises, especially with the use of steroid drugs.
- Hypothermia — leads to a decrease of immunity and development of pathogenic flora.
- Messy of the sex life increases the risk of sexually transmitted diseases. Sexually transmitted infections of the infection in men often go hidden, the damage to the tissue of the prostate. According to the investigation, in 78% of cases the cause of the inflammation, directly or indirectly, are trichomonas, chlamydia, giardinelli, gonorrhea.

The prostate has its own mechanism of self-protection: it produces a secret, which has antibacterial properties. But if there is an aggressive pathogen factors does not comply with the load and inflamed. The men of active reproductive age (18-50 years) most often is found here with prostatitis. In the middle ages of the main causes of prostatitis are the sedentary life, hypothermia and transient sexual life. In this acute period process, the symptoms of which has not been noticed, have not started the appropriate treatment, has all the possibilities to go in the chronicle. For the male population aged over 50 years presents three pathological process of prostate:chronic prostatitis, adenoma, adenocarcinoma. In this case, it is indicated the surgical treatment in a complex with the hormone therapy and other methods.
The symptoms of the pathology is
As manifested prostatitis? Important symptoms that point to the emergence of prostatitis – follow a process of urinating, pain in this moment. The frequent urge to the bladder emptying small portions of the evidence on the evolution of the pathology is. The initial stages of the pathology can be asymptomatic. Acute forms of the disease much easier to determine the manifestation of the disease is always sudden, abrupt. You must take into account the disease due to the individual features of the organism of each person.
We distinguish the following symptoms of the inflammation of the prostate:
- The sensation of pain in the area of the crotch;
- The processes of deposition, accompanied by painful convulsions;
- The violation of the power;
- - Frequent need to urinate;
- General discomfort;
- The cramped feeling of the bladder;
- The excretory system phenomenon of the urethra during bowel movements.
Pain of the attacks to the development of the pathology is
The pain of prostatitis in men it is characterized by the accuracy of the location. In the absence of a process of treatment of pain of the attacks will increase, spread to other genital organs. When running situations occurs the development of the acute phase of the disease, adenomas. Regular painful attacks are uncomfortable style of life, the development of the neurosis, the male sex affects the quality of life.
The pain is usually occur in the following points:
- In the process of urinating;
- At the time of the erection;
- In sexual relations;
- At the end of the sexual act;
- In the process of defecation;
- Due to the long-term abstinence, or, conversely, sex is disordered;
- After the hypothermia;
The lower region of the back starts to ache, when the disease is developed outside of the prostate. Pain attacks or obtuse, or acute. Due to the negligence of the pathology is the pain, which are able to last a long time. Also of the pathology is in the area of the prostate is characterized by stupid, or say painful convulsions in the area of the groin, rarely in the leg.
The elimination of painful sensations, it is possible with the help of the following ways:

- The prostate massage;
- Phytotherapeutic treatment;
- Hormonal methods of cure of disease is;
- A special diet for the normalization of the status of the person;
- Antibacterial solution methods of harmful elements;
- The use of blockers to oblegchenno effect when you urinate.
The symptoms of acute prostatitis
- Of high temperature;
- A strong pain in the groin, in the area of the groin, about the pubis;
- Pain when urinating;
- The generally poor state of health;
- The reduction of power etc
In prostatitis, the clinical picture most frequent erased. Symptoms may not exist at all. Therefore, in this case, the decisive role of the prevention of review, with the aim of identifying begins the inflammation of the prostate.
The symptoms of chronic prostatitis
- Occur and fast enough it passes the pain in the perineum, the area of the groin, about the pubis;
- Decreased sexual desire (libido);
- Change the duration of the sexual act (which, in some cases, rapid ejaculation, in other important of the prolongation of the sexual act);
- Change of the nature of sexual sensation (decrease in the luminosity of the orgasm);
- The appearance of the secretions of the urethra, especially in the morning (prostatorrhea).
Diagnostic measures
The doctor may reveal signs of prostatitis in men, and in their treatment in a timely manner assigned. To determine the prostatitis is necessary to consult with the urologist, who will perform the inspection and shall appoint to other important diagnostic procedures:
- The examining doctor for the development of common with the clinical picture;
- The taking of samples of urine;
- Screening of sexually transmitted diseases;
- Determination of the presence or absence of infections, a sample is taken of the urethra;
- Analyzing the ejaculate;
- The ultrasound of the genital organs;
- Urography;
- Biopsy: if cancer is suspected phenomena.

Methods of treatment of prostatitis
To cure this pathology is? After the diagnosis of the disease, the doctor determines the scheme of treatment of the pathology is generally used a comprehensive approach, which consists of the following moments:
- Antibiotics therapeutic ways, a specialist assigned to a course of taking a medicine, that is to say, of antibiotics to eliminate the harmful effects of micronutrient deficiencies, led to the prostatitis. Also lower the temperature;
- Physiological exposure, for example, by using laser, ultrasonic wave, the electromagnetic fluctuations.
- Are used popular methods of treatment – a warm bath procedures herbs;
- Massage is done in the area of the prostate – is released from the ducts of stagnation of the phenomena, increases the supply of blood to the genitals;
- Phytotherapy – the consumption of wines of useful medicinal plants, the company's dietary supplements help to strengthen the immune system, fighting infections;
- Psychotherapeutic ways, due to the prostate in men, they develop a negative psychological problems, lost confidence, which are the fears during the sexual act;
- Surgical treatments are applied when they are running heavy and the stages of development of the pathology is, for example, an abscess of the prostate;
- The review of the immune system – your doctor may order the reception of certain vitamins, minerals, and useful micronutrients to strengthen the immunity of the patient;
- Balanced, adequate nutrition, prostatitis, renunciation of alcohol, tobacco, fatty foods, restricting the consumption of salt, as well as drink more normal water – at least 2 liters a day.
The afternoon had started the treatment of prostatitis you may receive a series of complications, characterized by:
- the obstruccin of the bladder with a severe delay urination, require the application of a method of surgical treatment;
- the transition of prostatitis the acute phase of the chronic illness of the current;
- the development of some form of male infertility;
- recurrent cystitis;
- the contraction and scarring of the urethra;
- pielonefritom, or other pathologies of the kidney;
- abscess of the prostate, which requires surgical intervention;
- septicemia, which threaten the life of the patient (this most vulnerable patients who are immunocompromised, diabetes mellitus, kidney failure).
It is important to know! The pathology is can lead to cancer of the prostate (note in the 7% of men over the age of 50 years), which would seriously undermine the lives of men, and what will lead to death.
That the disease will appear
Prostatitis has several specific species in the causes of the emergence of the disease.
The major triggers of the onset of the prostatitis, the following:

- Of the infection. The bacteria can enter the prostate gland, of various forms and ways. The young men who have had sexual intercourse without contraceptive methods (condom), have a high risk of illness due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms (chlamydia, mycoplasma, etc). In addition, the emergence of prostatitis occurs as a result of any internal chronic diseases. The malware of bacteria reach the prostate gland with the flow of the lymph or blood. Pathological microorganisms can also be "down" in the prostate of the urethra. Then, the disease is causing the diseases of the urinary system (urethritis, pielonefritom) the weakened immunity.
- Stalled processes. They are manifested with obesity, a way of life, as well as the microcirculation of the blood in the organs of the pelvis rotates. To the prostate as a result, not enough oxygen and nutrients.
- Of the injury. Due to the mechanical damage of the tissues and of the organs of the pelvis (OMT) may occur, causing congestion, they trigger an inflammatory process. These cases often occur in the drivers of long-distance force of the professional activity related to the long-term sedentary position and permanent injury to the armchair, springs from UNWTO.
The opinion of doctors. Urologists sure that the prostatitis is not life imprisonment diagnosis. If the treatment didn't work fast, the man should not give up and to reflect, to played if absolutely all of the standards. Only the action and the effort of the doctor and the patient relies on the success of the therapy, help the man to feel healthy and, therefore, credible.