The most common of the disease, which brings together the representatives of the stronger sex aged 30 years, is considered prostatitis. This disease can cause severe pain of a man, accompanied by a violation of a normal process of urination and, in severe forms, cause erectile dysfunction and serious problems in the couple relationship.
To avoid these unwanted effects, it is recommended that when they occur the first symptoms to see a specialist and immediately start the treatment of prostatitis.
It is practiced in the most effective way to in the treatment of this disease, among which are found here: the use of antibiotics, the treatment of prostatitis herbs, the realization of treatment of the gymnastics, the execution of massage rectal, about the and the application of appropriate prevention measures.
To get the maximum results of treatment allows a novel technique – the impact of the shock waves (uht).
In this article we will tell you in detail about the methods of fight against prostatitis, you will also discover its forms, characteristics and causes of the. We hope the following information will help you to draw the right conclusions about the prevention and control of this disease.
What is the prostate?
Prostatitis is a disease, which brings together representatives of the male sex and is characterized by the inflammation of the prostate, below the bladder.
A characteristic symptom of this disease is considered a pain syndrome that arises in the area of the crotch, in the back or in the lower part of the abdomen. At the same time breaks down urinary the process, and at the time of ejaculation also appear the sensations of pain.
In addition, the disease may be accompanied by the emergence vezikulita, adenoma of the prostate or inflammation of the urethra.
Among the causative factors of this pathology are: the violation of hormonal processes in the body, hypothermia, bacterial infections, failures in the operation of the system of blood circulation in the pelvic area, injury, not an intimate life.
In the risk group more often fall for men younger than 50 years.
The types and forms of prostatitis

The treatment of prostatitis is adjusted in function of the forms of the disease. For example, bacterial form of the disease can be both chronic and acute. For non-bacterial inflammation of the prostate is characteristic of the chronic disease of water filtration. In patients with this pathology is found here all the signs of the disease, in addition to the presence of bacteria in secret.
The acute form of the infection of the prostatitis is observed a rapid increase of painful sensations in the bottom of the intoxication of the organism. Chronic , prostatitis are less expressed by the symptoms, and the treatment in this case is somewhat different in nature.
And, if a disease is possible the complete healing of the patient after the treatment of the chronic prostatitis may experience relapses. Take into account at the time of the completion of the treatment activities in the home.
It should be noted, that the non-communicable disease prevalent in men between the ages of 35 to 45 years of age, and can manifest in case of contact with the urine in the prostate.
When the man is diagnosed the acute prostatitis, the treatment should be accompanied by the required of taking antibiotics. The chronicle of the world's form of the disease with the use of antibiotics may not give the desired results.
The causes of prostatitis
As mentioned above, the list of reasons that cause the inflammation of the prostate, which can be very varied. However, more often of the prostate is diagnosed to the representatives of the stronger sex, which are irregular depths of the life and are exposed to thermal factors. Also the pathology is allowed to appear in the background of the lesion of the genital organs, the weakening of the defenses of the body's immune system, disorders of the blood circulation in the pelvic area and, as a result of hormonal changes.
Another major cause, leading to the disease of the prostate, is the spread of the infection at the time of the unprotected intercourse. In some cases, the symptoms of the disease are manifested in people with malignant tumors or urolithiasis.
In 80% of cases, the appearance of the bacterial form of the disease associated with the presence of escherichia coli and other infections. In addition, the occurrence of stagnation of the processes can be related to the lack of blood flow in the tissues of the prostate, due to the predominance of small vessels in the area.
The first signs and symptoms of prostatitis in men

During the acute phase, prostatitis the patient is observed a marked increase in body temperature, the appearance of pain in the lumbar region, pain syndrome, and chills in the joints and muscles. Also many men there is an increase in size of the prostate and the appearance of discomfort in the area of the crotch. Increase in the frequency of urination and the increase of the turbidity of the urine are also found here between the anxiety factors.
Gradually the intensity of the pain intensifies, which more often manifests itself in the moment of pressure in the prostate gland. As the development of the disease to the reasons mentioned above, is added pain in the penis and in the lower part of the back. In some cases, you may receive the discomfort and in other areas of the body, and a burning sensation during urinary process.
The acute phase of the disease, accompanied by intoxication syndrome. Sometimes, in the background of local inflammatory processes may develop gnoyno-septic a disease that affects the blood. In this situation the man of the urgency of hospitalization: the treatment of prostatitis when the sepsis should be performed exclusively in the clinic.
When chronic prostatitis bacterial nature often there are no symptoms, and the need for treatment occurs only when it detects the infection in the urinary system, manifested in the midst of the complications of the disease. Experience the sensation of pain during the ejaculation, the appearance of blood in the ejaculate, the presence of secretions of the urethra. Also, a result of the previous symptoms, a man can develop erectile dysfunction.
The diagnosis is determine the prostatitis?

Integrated diagnosis of this disease is considered to be a pledge of the accuracy of the diagnosis. A this requirement is that the execution of the inspection of the patient and the collection of the clinical history. In order to detect edema and pain in the area of the prostate, the doctor performs palpation of the rectum wall.
Based on the information the conclusion was reached on the necessity of the realization of the planting of the urine, which will grow to identify the exact causes of the infection. In order to obtain more reliable results we compare the three sample test: urine obtained at the beginning of the urinary process; its middle part; the selection, collected during massage of the prostate after complete the process of urination. The treatment of prostatitis in men is considered as necessary when it detects a large number of bacteria.
In order to avoid errors in the diagnosis of this pathology is, it is necessary to confirm the fact of the lack of a patient of diseases such as inflammation of the appendix, oncology services for prostate disease, the inflammatory processes in the area of the bladder and of the kidneys, hypertrophy of the prostate, and uncontrolled urination.
Also the patient is advised to take a blood test, undergo an mri (or ct) and ultrasound of the prostate and the organs.
Is it possible to intimate proximity with the prostatitis?
Refusing to have sexual intercourse is recommended only in case that the disease was caused by sexually transmitted infection, since there is the chance of infection of the partner.
If you have the chronic form of the disease, sexual intimacy is considered to be valid and even useful, as in the course of it you can minimize stagnant processes in the pelvic area.
However, the chronic prostatitis in men may need serious treatment, because, often accompanied by ejaculation and the total inability of the commission of sexual intercourse. In this situation, the specialists advise women to show understanding with regard to the partner and provide moral support in the hour of passing them on treatment procedures. This will help to avoid many of the problems in the personal relationships in the future.
The scheme of treatment of prostatitis: effective methods
Taking into account the above, we can indicate the following curative interventions, which allow to obtain the maximum effect:
- Elimination of signs of infection of the disease by the use of antibiotics;
- Strengthening of the flow of the lymph to local ways. This allows you to get rid of the damaged cells, present in the area of the urethra and the prostate. In turn, the elimination of the "scum" of the tissues, it is a breeding ground for the recovery of the functional capacities of the affected organ;
- Strengthening of the lymph flow in the pelvic area. This allows to avoid the stagnation of the processes in the future;
- Improvement of vascular tone, which contributes to a more rapid removal of venous blood from the organs of the pelvis.
In the next section we will examine traditional and the latest techniques of treatment of prostatitis, in order to implement these principles.
Effective medications for the treatment of prostatitis
Later we will talk about the treatment of prostatitis and consider more effective than the drugs that are used for this purpose. Are the following:
- Antibacterial drugs. As a general rule, the reception of these medicines starts "blind", due to the long implementation times and the decryption of analysis – more than 7 days. In the early stages of the patient, it is recommended to take antibacterial that can affect most common cause of the infections. After obtaining the results of the analysis, medications for the treatment of prostatitis and adenoma of the prostate can be picked up individually;
- Medications that allow for the quick cut off the pain syndrome and to reduce the temperature of the body. Greatly facilitate the symptoms of the disease;
- The alpha-blockers and means of the same action. Allow you to normalize muscle tone, eliminate the swelling in the area of the prostate and restore the urinary process;
- The use of saline solution, the action that the address in the depuracin of the organism against toxic substances (toxins).
It should be noted that if using antibiotics if your prostatitis in men , and in a special way by the scheme of treatment, this enables you to improve the condition of the patient. But, in case of violation of lymph flow, it does not occur for the full value of the purification of the tissues of toxic substances in the pelvic area, which can lead to the likelihood of a chronic form of the disease.
If there is chronic prostatitis, in men, is assigned to the treatment, that consists in the application of the following medications:
- Despite the absence of infection, also used the tools of antibiotic action. In some cases, this study does not allow to diagnose the fact of the presence of bacteria, therefore, it is recommended that, in advance, take measures to prevent their emergence and spread;
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents. Have a lot of ability to cut the syndrome of the pain, eliminate the inflammation and reduce the temperature of your body. However, in the case of a prolonged use, the patient can experience serious failures in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs and systems of the body;
- The alpha-blockers. Allow you to normalize urinary processes. Need to of well-being, the result can be obtained in the use of these drugs in the period of six months.
The treatment of prostatitis prostate massage

When men are diagnosed, prostatitis, the treatment involves not only the reception of the pills, but the execution of special massage rectal. This procedure is carried out with the finger through the rectum. Some supported the family practice the treatment of prostatitis massage at home. Specialists recommend not to do so, and that to achieve the desired effect, must strictly follow the sequence and direction of massage movements. This speaks of the desirability of the application of these procedures only by the urologist of the upper class.
In addition, the treatment of prostatitis massage not want to practice with acute forms of the disease, which can lead to the rapid dissemination of the infection process, lead to the appearance of different entities in the area of the prostate and of the colon, cause a delay of urination, and lead to the development of other dangerous processes in the genitourinary system.
Therefore, the treatment of prostatitis massage is carried out only when the existence of the disease in chronic phase. When using such a method can significantly improve the state of the prostate, that is to say, dealing with stagnant phenomena in this area, and do a purification out of the ducts".
Alternatively for those interested in the treatment of prostatitis in the home, can become a above, in which in the affected zone influence of sound vibrations.
Among the important benefits of vibroacoustic exposure are:
- The lack of a need to use the massage rectal, because the depth of penetration of sound micro-vibration can be up to 10 cm;
- The possibility of treatment of prostatitis in men this way in the home;
- The possibility of influence in the whole area of the pelvis, including venous and lymphatic vessels;
- The improvement of the capacity of absorption of drugs.
More information on the use of the apparatus for the treatment of prostatitis we are going to talk about below.
The viability of the physical culture medical

The need for physiotherapy in the presence of the said disease caused, first of all, the desire to improve the other venous and the lymphatic, the motion of fluids. When this one important process is the creation of muscle tension, that is to say, biological micro-vibrations. This suggests that the comprehensive treatment of prostatitis is not possible without the celebration of the physical culture medical.
For the achievement of this objective is carried out are special gymnastic exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles, restore circulation of the blood in the area, and minimize stagnant processes. Also the patient is advised to perform daily walks, swim and walk.
The most simple and effective we consider the following exercises:
- Emulate torque of the bicycle pedal. Is done every day, in a lying position;
- Reduction and the raising of the foot as scissors;
- Cancellation of the tension and relaxation of the pelvic muscles (it is necessary to maintain in a state of tension not less than 5 seconds);
- The use of elliptical machine;
- The application of a complex of exercises arnold kegel, etc
To achieve the best effect, in order to facilitate urinary the process, these exercises must be performed in the mode. Also for the prevention and treatment of prostatitis it is recommended to use special license plates-the training apparatus for the seats. These antigipoksicheskoe the accessories play an indispensable role for men who spend a lot of time in the sitting position. Through them you can avoid the excess tension of the muscles of the back and prevent the stagnation of the processes in the pelvis.
The physical therapy when the prostatitis

As indicated above, on the basis of the procedures of tonirovania est impact on the affected area of sound vibrations, which are considered to be identical muscular to the vibrations of the person, accompany the process with a physical stress.
When you use a device for the treatment of prostatitis, that has a positive impact in the following areas:
- Inguinal lymph nodes. It contributes to the improvement of lymph flow. Removes the tissues, and toxic substances, and damaged cells, thus eliminating the inflammatory process in the matter. This effect cannot be achieved if there is prostatitis in men and their treatment of medicines;
- The department of kidney, responsible for the balance of the electrolytes in the blood. In the event that your recovery can improve the ability of the muscles of the reduction. In addition, this helps to normalize the venous tone and restores the state of the output of the ducts of the prostate;
- The bladder and crotch. Improves the blood flow in the area. In addition, when vibroacoustic therapy in this area, significantly improves the efficiency of the use of medicines;
- Lumbar-kresttsoviy department of the vertebral column. Allows you to improve the innervation.
An important point is the lack of unwanted effects after the procedure, as well as the possibility of maintaining the weight long-term results.
Among the positive effects of tonirovania you can also bring:
- Decrease of the intensity of the sensations are painful or full of your solution;
- The normal recovery of urination;
- The normalization of erectile function;
- Strengthening of the sexual attraction;
- Increasing the duration of the sexual act;
- The greatest impact of the drugs used.
Uht when prostatitis: a novel technique for the treatment of prostatitis
Initially, this method has been used for crushing stones in the kidney. Today with the help of this method is carried out the treatment of prostatitis and other diseases of the male genital.
The popularity of treatment of the prostatitis through the sound waves obey some of their positive effects:
- The possibility of recovery of the metabolism at the local level;
- The rapid elimination of stagnation of the phenomena;
- The fight against effective for inflammatory processes;
- The capacity of grinding of salt konkrementov;
- The elimination of the pain syndrome during urination.
In addition, the action of the unit uht in the treatment of prostatitis led to the removal of edema in the region of the prostate and improve the state of the urinary system. As they say patients who have to experience the effects of the apparatus for the treatment of prostatitis, remove the pain may already after several treatments uht. Thus, there is a noticeable improvement of power.
Another important feature of the shock waves therapy is the possibility of strengthening the vascularization of the prostate gland, which influence favorably affects the erectile function in men.
To obtain the effect can be thanks to the large penetration depth of the acoustic waves in the fabrics of up to 130 mm
However, if you place the prostatitis, and confuse their symptoms and the patient requires immediate a home treatment procedure uht, it is not done. As a general rule, is carried out in the clinical setting, with a recurrence of a procedure a week, for 30 days.
You must take into account that after the first few treatments uht is possible exacerbation of inflammatory processes, that is done already through 2-3 procedures. As practice shows, the improvement of the condition of the patient and the disappearance of the joints in the area of the prostate gland occurs through 3-4 of the manipulation. This demonstrates the greater effectiveness of this method.
The only drawback with the treatment of prostatitis shock waves is the price.
Prevention: avoid prostatitis?

To achieve the necessary result of measures of prevention the patient in the first place, you must follow the rules of intimate care. It's also not recommended to undergo a long hypothermia. Important to consider is the maintenance of a healthy diet. If this is appropriate to refuse foods that cause constipation, since this can hinder circulation of the blood in the pelvic area.
Not less important is to keep the weight regular and complete, the process of urinating. It is also desirable to have regular intimate contact with the companion standing, in order to avoid the stagnation of the processes and of the infection of sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, experts advise to do dynamic training and exercise program.
The annual visit to a urologist is part of the life of men over the age of 30 years. The resignation of alcoholic beverages and the smoking of tobacco is also included in the number of interventions for the prevention of prostatitis.