Prostatitis – men of a disease in which the representative of the stronger sex occurs the inflammatory process of the prostate gland, lead to the emergence of a number of unpleasant symptoms. This gland is found in the body of a representative of the stronger sex beneath the bladder. As the symptoms of prostatitis in man manifest pain in the lower abdomen or back and in the crotch. When there is a violation of urination, the same need to be intensified. When the ejaculation the man feels the pain. The prostate gland is uniquely male authority.

Quite often when the prostatitis, the patient is diagnosed also urethritis, vesiculitis. If the elderly patient, the parallel may be also the adenoma of the prostate.
The prostate produces a fluid that then becomes the basis for the semen. The causes of the inflammation often make the bacterial infection of nature, the injuries, a strong hypothermia, problems with the handling of blood in the pelvic organs, hormonal disorders in the body, not of the sexual life. The disease is characteristic of men of different age groups, but more often prostatitis common in people who have not fulfilled the age of fifty years.
Types of prostatitis
The treatment of prostatitis varies depending on what the shape of the disease takes place in the man. Thus, the bacterial prostatitis can happen as in the acute form, and as the chronic disease of the disease. Very often it is diagnosed also prostatitis are not bacterial, it flows as the chronic disease. Such a variety of prostatitis is also known as the syndrome of chronic pelvic pain. Such patients are seen all the characteristics of the symptoms of prostatitis, but in the secret of the prostate there is no bacteria.
For acute bacterial prostatitis characterized by the rapid development. Man, when this suffers from severe pain, there are indications that the total of the poisoning. A lot of the less bright it will manifest the symptoms in the chronic form of the disease. In this case, the disease manifests gradually.
The cause of prostatitis
The development of prostatitis contributes to a number of causes defined. Very often the symptoms of prostatitis is manifested to men leading irregular sexual life, often suffering from hypothermia and injuries. In addition, the prostatitis can develop as a consequence of reduced immunity, impaired blood flow and lymph in the organs of the pelvis of the man as a result of a failure hormonal that causes a certain level of androgynous of the failure. A factor that contributes to the manifestation of prostatitis, is also considered to be a series of infections that are transmitted by sexual intercourse.
In addition, the symptoms of prostatitis often arise in the background of the availability of the person who has some barriers at the exit of the bladder (stones, tumors, etc).
The development of bacterial prostatitis for about 80% of the case causes the e. coli in the rest of cases, the cause of the infection become other bacteria. An additional factor that contributes to the disease, is the fact that, as a culture medium for the development of the bacteria used prostate juice. The spread of the bacteria in the prostate occurs via the blood of a person infected of the urethra may fall into the prostate through the lymph.
The symptoms of prostatitis
The symptoms of acute prostatitis forms manifest as a sudden increase of the temperature. A patient suffers from chills, had a pain of waist, and is manifested with pain in the muscles and joints. In the crotch of a man feel some discomfort and the sensation of a characteristic of heat. There can result in swelling, the prostate increases in size. Intensify the urgency in urination, to the east of the urine of the sick is gets murky. With the time, when you touch the crotch pain occurs, which becomes more intense with a strong pressure on the prostate. Later, the common symptoms of acute prostatitis are added to the sensations of pain in the lower back and in the genital area. Sometimes the pain can spread to other parts of the body. A patient complains of a noticeable increased nocturnal urination, while in the urination your tormented by the burning sensation.
The chronic prostatitis, it has bacterial nature, often, usually asymptomatic, but can cause the appearance of the man of the signs of urinary tract infections, arise as complications of the disease. In addition, in this scenario, you may experience the following symptoms of prostatitis: pain during ejaculation, blood in the semen, the constant appearance of the secretions of the urethra. Perhaps the manifestation of pain in the area between the anus and scrotum. Later, the man can suffer from sexual dysfunction, which occurs as a result of these symptoms.
The diagnosis of prostatitis

For the correct diagnosis, it is important to reach a diagnosis of prostatitis in a comprehensive way. First of all, the specialist performs a survey and examination of a patient's physical. The doctor produces the digital rectal exam, which defines some of the symptoms of prostatitis – the pain and the swelling of the prostate.
Guided by the data collected, the decision is taken to appoint a person sick of the seeding of the urine in order to establish the causes of the infection. To obtain accurate results, a comparison is made of the crops in the three urine samples. To do this, an analysis of urine collected at the beginning of urination, of the half of the portion, and at the analysis of the selection, received during the massage of the prostate after urination.
To avoid errors in diagnosis of prostatitis, it is important to exclude of the disease, some of the symptoms that are similar to the signs of prostatitis. It is the acute appendicitis, cystitis, prostate cancer, urinary incontinence, prostatic hypertrophy, pyelonephritis.
It also performs an analysis of blood, which results when the prostatitis is observed the increase in the number of leukocytes and increase of the sedimentation rate of erythrocytes. In addition, if necessary, the patient is assigned, and advanced techniques of research of the ultrasound of the prostate and organs located to the side, a computed tomography or magnetic resonance tomography.
The treatment of prostatitis
The treatment of prostatitis includes the course of medical therapies and the subsequent maintenance therapy. The surgical intervention is performed in the case that the effect of a course of conservative treatment was unsatisfactory.
In the treatment of acute prostatitis is important to the immediate realization of the antibiotic treatment. Often the doctor to the patient receiving trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, tetracycline, fluoroquinolones. In the case of the manifestations of prostatitis as a result of sexually transmitted diseases, treatment also includes receiving ceftriaxone, doxycycline, etc
In the process of maintenance therapy it is important to note that you can, preferably bed. Must have sufficient hydration, includes, as a minimum, drink eight glasses of water each day. The patient may take pain relievers, the tool with antipyretic effect. It is possible to regular application for the treatment of prostatitis seats of toilets. In acute bacterial prostatitis after an adequate treatment of the patient recover completely. It is rarely possible manifestation of complications: sometimes, the cause of acute prostatitis in the way that the man may develop an abscess or a fistula of the prostate.
If the patient has place the chronic prostatitis, you must undergo a course of massage of the prostate, which considerably facilitates the general condition of the patient. When nobacteriana of prostatitis for the relief of their symptoms used anticholinergic medications and analgesics. To get rid of constant chronic pain in the area of the prostate, the treatment alpha-blockers and muscle relaxants. The introduction of analgesics patient practiced in order to eliminate the bladder spasms. Often also physical therapy methods that focus on the stimulation of the nerve endings of the prostate and the surrounding tissues. As a kind of therapy method is also recommended the holding of regular masturbation, which contributes to the protection of the appearance of edema in the tissue of the prostate.
The inefficiency of all methods of treatment, the doctor takes the decision about the necessity of surgical intervention. In this case, it is transurethral resection of the prostate. Sometimes the patients are assigned to the realization of prostatectomy – intervention, during which the prostate and surrounding tissue, are removed. After this operation, the person can develop impotence and incontinence of urine.
The treatment of prostatitis medicated media
The treatment of acute prostatitis is performed with the help of antibiotics. To achieve the maximum results of the therapy, you should choose the most appropriate scheme of its reception and not interrupt the treatment with antibiotics. An appointment most prolonged of these drugs is required when the chronic prostatitis: sometimes, the treatment lasts up to three months. In addition, the course of treatment includes receipt of drugs, immunomodulators. For the prevention of the recurrence of the disease, it is important to follow all the prescriptions of your doctor. In this case, and the consumption of alcoholic beverages and the strong hypothermia and other factors may cause a relapse of the disease. Even a stressful situation can have a negative effect.
In addition to medication of prostatitis, in the therapy process is often applied physiotherapeutic methods. In addition, prostatitis is treated with laser, actually very good, in the texture of the fabric, of the ultrasound, a constant magnetic field, ozone therapy and other
The treatment of prostatitis in the home

In the process of the therapy of the disease allows for the parallel use in the treatment of prostatitis in the home.
Even in the most remote times to the treatment of the inflammation of the prostate healers have used regular pumpkin seeds. The fact that the pumpkin seeds contain a high amount of zinc, an element that is essential for every male body, regardless of age.
There is another form of treatment of prostatitis with roasted pumpkin seeds. It is necessary to peel about half a kilo of sunflower seeds and warranty in the mincing machine. Keep in mind that this medication of prostatitis only be effective if it is used raw pumpkin seeds. In the dough, add the honey, close to 200 grams. The solution must mix well, and shape a kind of balls-caramel size of a walnut. These candy medicinal should be stored in a cool place. There are balls you need before a meal, one or two each day.
For the treatment of prostatitis remedies also used the juice of the therapy. The use of the large amount of fruit juices stimulates the selection of a body of men of uric acid, the absorption of which in the muscles often becomes the cause of diseases of the prostate. For this purpose the approach, the fresh carrot juice mixed with juice of asparagus, cucumber and beet.
Another useful for men, a drink of the juice of the berries of the elderberry. Should drink in the morning, before breakfast, a tablespoon. Consume juice of not less than ten days. In the process of treatment of juices, a patient can lift temperature. It is a normal process, indicating that the therapy works.
The shell of the chestnuts can also help those who are suffering from prostatitis. To do this, it is necessary to take the fresh shell with a pin, and do it. To prepare the broth, chopped the skin of the chestnut pour the boiling water and insist. Cooking use in place of tea. It is also possible the application of this type of cooking for enemas.

The herb Hemlock, and the greater celandine suitable for the preparation of the tincture for the treatment of prostatitis. However, you must keep in mind that the hemlock is dovit the grass. Of half a tablespoon of both herbs it is necessary to pour 100 g of alcohol. The tincture prepared ten days in a dark place, and then filtered. Consuming an infusion in the morning, 30 minutes before food intake. To do this, in a small amount of milk or water, it is necessary to add in the first day of a drop of the infusion. The following day the number of drops is two, and so forth, that Is to say, on the thirtieth day a person use thirty drops of infusion. Hereinafter, the countdown should be, in reverse order, and in the sixty days of treatment the patient returns to a drop of the infusion.
Also at home, you can prepare a decoction of the herb yarrow, birch leaf and bearberry normal. A mixture of herbs pour boiling water and insist. After straining the consume before eating by two tablespoons.
The treatment of prostatitis candles
A very good tool for the fight against inflammatory processes since ancient times, is regarded as the propolis. For the preparation of the tool that is used for the treatment, it is necessary in 200 ml of pure alcohol to evaporate 40 grams of propolis. When the propolis extract is ready, 0.1 g of extract mixed with 2 g of cocoa oil. This mixture must be formed in the form of candles and paste in the night in the rectum. What is the treatment continues every day for a month. After about a month and a half of course you can repeat it again. Propolis can also be taken by mouth: to do this, use the 20% of the alcohol of the tincture of propolis. 40 drops of this tincture are dissolved in 100 g of water. What is the medication against prostatitis take along forty-five days prior to the meals. You can also take a course of treatment of pollen, which employ a table spoon of this mixture in the morning and at night, half an hour before meals.
For other types of candles take three tablespoons of rye flour, to which add a teaspoon of the egg and the honey. Of the solution make a mass formed by the candles, the components diameter of approximately one centimeter. The candles should be put in the freezer. Put it in the anus at night and in the morning. The treatment is four weeks, if necessary, you can repeat a week.