Pills for prostatitis is divided into several categories: antimicrobial agents (antibiotics), anti-inflammatory, analgesic, decongestant, and immune modulators. Any type of inflammation of the prostate requires a comprehensive treatment, therefore, doctors prescribe medicines of different pharmaceutical groups.

Antibacterial drugs prescribed for prostatitis from any source (that is not bacterial or infectious diseases, (stalled), lithiasis (stones in the prostate gland)), as the inflammatory symptoms only occur when the membership of the infection. Main groups:
- Fluoroquinolones more effective drugs for the treatment of prostatitis. Its active substances easily overcome the barriers to the cells of the tissues of the prostate, they accumulate in them, inhibit the microbial growth. Medicines include a wide range of pathogens: genital infections, escherichia coli, anaerobic bacteria. Fluoroquinolones are relatively safe, but should not be mixed up with the vitamins and antacids (decrease the efficacy);
- Protected penicillins (contain substances that protect against the destruction by microbial enzymes). It is prescribed in cases of poor portability of the fluoroquinolones;
- The macrolides (low-toxicity antibiotics of natural origin). Effective against staph, mikoplazmi, chlamydiae. When the treatment of prostatitis are prescribed the second-line drugs;
- Cephalosporins, the foundation of which is assigned to mould cultures acid. They are effective against enterobacteriaceae, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and. coli, Proteus. Side effects: muscle aches, kidney disorders, and allergies;
- Tetracyclines (antibiotics, semi-synthetic). The drugs of this group are active against chlamydiae, mikoplazmi, staph. Side effects: headache, rash, pruritus, disorders of work of the stomach and the intestine;
- The nitrofurans.
Course of treatment of prostatitis antibiotics begins in two weeks. Then, the therapy is adjusted depending on the degree of effectiveness assigned to the drug.
The natural remedies for the prevention and reduction of prostatitis. Your composition effective anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and a soothing effect. Thanks to the dedicated and focused to the substances of the fruits of the palm trees, Palmetto, and the bark of plum african improves blood irrigation and increases the regeneration of cells. These tools are completely safe, have no side effects and contribute to increasing the effectiveness of the medication. For the therapy of fungal prostatitis are prescribed antifungal drugs. In parallel, you must accept the funds for the maintenance of the intestinal microflora.
Antispasmodics, selective alpha1-blockers
The application of both groups of drugs in the treatment of prostatitis is the ability to relax the smooth muscle (miorelaksatsiya) of the prostate and bladder. Is prescribed for the treatment of acute prostatitis, with the purpose of facilitating urination, improving the flow of blood and numbing symptom of pain. The therapeutic effect of the receipt of the alpha1-blockers can only be achieved through two weeks, but his major advantage in the selectivity of the action and prolonged the result. The blocker of α1-adrenoceptor antagonist - a tool for the treatment of symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia. Possible side effect in the form of release of semen into the bladder (it is not separated to the outside of the ejaculation). The drugs of the groups of blockers do not cure the prostatitis, and only relieve its symptoms. To improve the effect of facilitating urination, in some cases, in parallel to prescribe hormonal pills to speed up the healing and microcirculation of the blood in the tissues of the body. Reduction of the volume of the breast is achieved by the reduction of the influence of testosterone.
Pain medications
Pain relievers (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) applied in the treatment of prostatitis and acute exacerbations of chronic. If the pain is not calm, is prescribed a short course of hormonal drugs, that lasts for one to three days.
Antidepressants and tranquilizers are prescribed in the treatment of the chronic forms of prostatitis. Permanent background of pain, disorders of urination will attack the central nervous system, which adversely affects the quality of life of men. For the maintenance treatment accept light herbal preparations. To receive it is best to use sedation medication of plant origin, with calming and spasmolytic. Serious emotional disturbances may override the results of treatment of chronic prostatitis. In such cases, antidepressants are prescribed.
Diuretics are prescribed for chronic prostatitis to reduce the breast swelling and make urination easier. Doctors prefer natural cheap ways to base of plants. In place of the pads, if the prostatitis can take broths cranberry of the blade of grass from the ground-floor, of the kidneys of a poplar.
The tablet in the natural basis
Pills-Badi (Biolgicamente Additives) are primarily used for the treatment of chronic bacterial prostatitis of the way. When acute are useless, because they work very slowly. During this time, the inflammation will cause irreversible damage to the tissues of the prostate and spread to the surrounding tissues. The active substances of the company of dietary supplements help to lift the general and local cell-mediated immunity. In some cases (depending on the type of infection and mode of transmission) the body can handle with pathogen.
Anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory tool:
- A tool based in the pollen. The medication improves the flow of urine by relaxing the muscles of the posterior wall of the urethra, helps to improve erection. Acute prostatitis appoint four tablets three times a day, one to four times a day.
- Of the same drug, the active substance that is prostatilen – hood of the prostate of the animals. Reduces the swelling of the breast, normalizes the education of the secret and the improvement of its quality, increases the microcirculation of the blood.
- Homeopathic remedies base of refined antibodies to PSA ( prostate specific antigen). Reduce the inflammation of the prostate, normalizes the tone of the bladder and the urethra.
- Immunomodulator on the basis of aminodimethylaniline sodium. Anti-inflammatory effect of action.
Anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory tools
- Pills in the extracts of 30 herbs with the complex of mineral substances. The application of the prostatitis is due to a number of properties: diuretic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, astringent, antispasmodic. You can take for the prevention of calculous prostatitis.
- The teas of herbs in the pills based on extracts of goldenrod, echinacea, st. john's wort and licorice.
- Integral of a medication for the treatment of chronic prostatitis with bell shark liver and the deer antlers painted., extracts of centaury, bearberry, from the seeds of amaranth and pumpkin.
- Capsules with extract of Hedysarum forgotten, vitamin E, and zinc.
All these tools can be used for the prevention of recurrence of chronic prostatitis and the recovery after an acute attack of inflammation.
There is also a number of dubious media, the promise of fast relief of prostatitis, which are sold on the web sites in a single page. The official sources of the descriptions of the company's dietary supplements are not present.
The pill "of the web"
Pills originating from "celestial", which contains a large number of bioactive components, acute inflammation of the prostate gland are contraindicated − the flow of blood, which then would take the initiative, detonating pathogens and pus in the body. These tablets can be applied for the treatment of non-bacterial prostatitis (in combination with medications), to prevent the stagnation of the processes and the improvement of the power. All these medicines are positioned as a strengthening of the power, but only with the original condition of the composition and the reception are able to improve the health of the urinary system of men. Pills regularly can be applied for the prevention of prostatitis. However, the doctors use do not recommend – too many fakes. Best to choose certified low-cost pharmacists of the tool.
Evaluation of the effective drugs
The most effective and rapid drugs for the treatment of prostatitis – fluoroquinolones in conjunction with non-steroidal anti-media. This treatment fast enough to relieve the symptoms. In the chapter of classification of natural products – national of the tablet from the base of prostatilen. Its effectiveness has been demonstrated in clinical research. In the second place, by the good reception to holistic medicine-based extract of fruit of dwarf palm, enriched with vitamin-mineral complex.
Even the prescription pills used for the treatment of prostatitis, you can buy it freely, but apply it without a medical prescription you can not. Many of the diseases of the symptoms are similar to the manifestation of prostatitis, therefore, diagnoses preliminary necessary.